Ron Reed was born in Kirkwood, Mo. on April 28th, 1947.  Prior to January 1977, he was a dispatcher for a West County Area Department and also part of an underwater recovery team for St Louis County.

    On January 17, 1977 Ron joined the Pacific, Mo. Police Department and was issued badge # 116. In April of 1978, Ron decided he was going to run for the elected position of Marshal / Chief of Police for the City of Pacific. Ron did win the election, and remained the Chief until he retired from the police department in 2006.

    Then in April 2006, after retiring from the police department, he ran for the position of Municipal Judge for the city of Pacific. Ron did with the election for the municipal judges position. He held that position until April 2012.

    Ron and his wife enjoyed riding horses, visiting the Western US States and collecting antiques.

    Ronald Reed died in Pacific, Mo. on April 12th, 2012.

    A special thanks to Mrs Reed for all of the information and items.
                                                                    circa 6-2016